Friday, December 9

I lost my charger adaptor

Sialan, gue kehilangan adaptor untuk hp gue. Padahal seinget gue, gue taro dg manisnya di meja gue. Heran, sekecil itu kok bisa ilang. Sekarang akhirnya gue harus matiin hp gue & mendivert segala telfon masuk ke hp ericsson gue. Keseeeeeeeeel banget !!

Mana gue ntar mau fitness, jadi makin lama gue nyampe kos2xannya. BT berat deh gue pokoknya !! Kok ya ada aja orang yg ngambil adaptor untuk charger HP. Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrgghhh !!


Wednesday, December 7

Ini salah satu foto reunian HOA yg diadain di Manna House Taman Ria tgl 12 Oktober lalu.

Cukup banyak lah yang dateng, kangen banget ama mereka, secara udah lamaaaaaaaa banget gak ketemuan.

Udah cukup banyak yg sukses, banyak yg udah punya anak, tapi kalo urusan gokil, tetep dong gak ada yg berubah :))

Btw, berhubung gue udah mau pulang, makanya nulisnya cuma sedikit.
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Me, mom and sista, Mbak Ucik @ Planet Station in PIM 1.

Emangnya, muka kita bertiga itu sama yah ? Soalnya, most everybody said that we look alike. Mungkin krn kita share the same blood yah. Heheheheeeeeee, stoopid question and statement nih kayana :)
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Time to celebrate !!

It's another time to celebrate what has happened in our life at this year.

This year, it took place at Paprika @ Wahid Hasyim, dress code is sexy chic. Unfortunately, Ayu couldn't join us since she had to go to Bandung for her colleague's wedding party.

Though she wasn't there, but she's in our thought (ain't she ?) Heheheeeeee...

It was really one of our great nite.
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