Tuesday, December 19

..melepas kerudung..

Sudah beberapa bulan terakhir ini, gue memikirkan untuk melepas kerudung. Gue tau banget kalo ini merupakan kemunduran yg amat sangat bagi hidup gue. Di satu sisi, gue pengen kehidupan gue lebih baik, dimana iman gue juga lebih meningkat. Tapi, di satu sisi, mungkin bener juga kata orang kalo kita mau mendekatkan diri sama Allah SWT, pasti banyak banget godaannya.

Pada saat gue dulu memutuskan untuk make kerudung, gue pun sudah memikirkan selama berbulan2x, mikir baik buruknya and gue pikir I can go through this. Tapi along the way, terutama hampir 6 bulan belakangan ini, gue berpikir ulang, bahwa gue seperti hidup di dua dunia. Gue seperti orang yg munafik..

Memang cuma kerudung, tapi tetep, buat gue itu adalah tanggung jawab moral. Kalo untuk sex life, mungkin gue sudah jauh banget berkurang. Gak setaun sekali juga gue having sex. Boro2x having sex, ciuman pun bisa diitung (sigh..) Tapi gue masih gak bisa menghilangkan kebiasaan untuk minum wine. Gue masih berdebat sih ama ibu gue mengenai minum wine ini, krn gue masih belum mantap dg jawaban yg diberikan walaupun dia bilang ada di Hadits.

To be honest, gue gak percaya sama Hadits 100%. Pegangan gue hanya Al-Quran, krn menurut gue, Hadits itu adalah inteprestasi dari orang yg mendengarkan ucapan Rasulullah SAW. Namanya juga manusia, pasti punya pendapat masing2x mengenai satu hal. Memang mereka Imam Besar, tapi bukan berarti mereka akan luput dari kesalahan.

Pemikiran2x seperti inilah yg mendorong gue untuk berpikir kembali, apakah iya gue itu masih pantas untuk memakai kerudung tapi kadang berperilaku berseberangan dg apa yg gue tampilkan ?

Untuk saat ini, gue masih pake kerudung, walo sering banget cuma gue gunakan sebagai pashmina, tapi gue masih belum bisa melepas seutuhnya. Gue masih berpikir2x mengenai baik buruknya.. Entahlah, hingga detik ini, gue lebih kuat ke pilihan melepaskan kerudung.

We'll see what happen lah..

Wednesday, December 6

I'm bored to death !!

gue sudah mengalami titik jenuh dalam kerjaan gue..pengen keluar dan cari kerjaan lain, but it's not that easy..minggu lalu gue barusan interview di nz embassy dan dalam jangka waktu 2 hari, gue sudah mendapat jawaban bahwa gue gak selected for the next round..yah, padahal gue udah berharap untuk diterima supaya gue bisa keluar dari nokaya and kembali menjalani hidup dg tenang, gak kayak sekarang yg spt diburu2x setan, walopun pertemanan disini enak banget..

anyway, bos gue, Anu besok bakal last day di nokia..cukup sedih juga, secara dia banyak ngajarin gue & sedikit sabar ama gue, secara guenya bebel..mungkin gue satu2xnya orang di kantor ini yg gak ada masalah ama dia..even sandy yg sama2x bule walo beda negara itu gak pernah ngobrol sama sekali..cowok2x disini pada berpesta pora pas tau anu mau cabut..tapi like it or not, she's my boss and she really really teach me a lot, gak kayak yg lain deh..

gue akuin kalo dia itu smart banget utk epm & kelly (penggantinya) mungkin gak sepinter dia, secara dia baru diajarin beberapa jam ama anu..

makanya niy, gue pengen banget segera keluar dari nokia..


Tuesday, October 17

I need to find another job

Setelah 4 bulan, pertahanan gue runtuh juga untuk tetap bekerja disini. Entah kenapa, gue mendadak punya feeling that I'm not needed in this office any longer. Either ini hanya perasaan sesaat, ato krn suasana yg lagi gak enak, the point is I wanna find another job and get out from here.

Yah, mudah2xan aja si NZ Embassy manggil gue untuk wawancara abis Lebaran ini and gue bisa keterima disana. Jadi, andaikan ntar gue keterima and menghadap Dave untuk ngasih surat resign, misalnya dia mau nahan gue, dia harus bisa kasih tawaran yg lebih besar dr NZ Embassy ini. Berandai-andai gak ada larangannya tokh ? Tapi it'd be nice to know if it really happen :))

Gue gak ada masalah ama Dave, pak Gede ato petinggi lainnya, tapi gue dah gak bisa sejalan aja ama policy yg diterapkan disini. Kita harus jadi bule dulu untuk didengar and pegawai lokal hanya dijadikan sapi perahan ama bule2x disini. Benar2x penghamburan uang untuk terus menggunakan jasa para bule ini, sementara yg lokal masih lebih kerjanya dari mereka.

Gue sih gak akan gembar gembor kalo gue akan segera keluar. Paling2x kalo ditanya orang, gue selalu jawab, liat akhir taun aja. Karena akhir taun akan ada merger besar2xan Nokia-Siemens dan efektif 1 Januari, nama perusahaan berubah menjadi Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN). Kalo kata kita sih, Nosim..

Yah, pokoknya gue sekarang dalam tahap mencari and semoga aja dapet kerjaan yg lain sebelum akhir taun.


Saturday, October 14

Friday the 13th

Gue barusan baca sms dari opa lexy, yg sebenernya udah sms dari 1 jam yang lalu. Dia bilang untuk take care krn today is Friday the 13th. Mungkin kalo dia gak sms gue, gue gak akan ngeh sama sekali. Yah, secara gue juga losing track of days & dates, jadi boro2x inget yg namanya Friday the 13th :))

Beneran ni, gue makin lama makin gak inget yg namanya hari atau tanggal. Gue harus ngurut dari hari senin kalo mau tau sekarang hari apa. Trus, yg lebih parah, gue lupa apa yg baru aja gue ucapin ato lakuin 5 menit yg lalu. Tapiiiiiii, ada untungnya. Mau tau ? Untungnya, I'm not the only who feels or acts this way. Ternyata Iting, Dewi, Chika semuanya begitu. Tapi heran, kenapa ya ? Apa pengaruh hormon ? Hmmm, does it really have a major factor in driving ourself ?

Welll, since the questions need to be answered and I have nothing by now, so let it be my homework first. I have to prepare myself to go home in few more minutes.

I need to cool myself and soothe my soul by hanging out with Arif & Yenny. I need to find some enlightment :)


Wednesday, October 11

Jangan sampai memuncak

Sekarang jam 5 sore.. Seharusnya gue udah pulang kantor dari jam 4 tadi, tapi berhubung di kantor ada buka puasa bersama, jadilah gue bertahan di kantor.

Makin lama gue pikirin, kok suasana kantor makin gak enak aja yah ? Gue yg makin cuek and gak pedulian ama yg namanya dave, gak peduli kalo dia itu project director, I just disagree with his policy, his way of ruling this office and alasan2x yg diungkapkan dia akan sesuatu hal membuat gue apatis krn dah gak masuk akal aja.

Mungkin karena gue terlalu tinggi tingkat toleransi ke anak2x project disini, jadi gue yg berusaha untuk menjadi penengah and penghibur mereka. So gue kadang suka pusing sendiri krn mendengar terlalu banyak dari mereka and berusaha untuk mencari solusi tanpa sepengetahuan mereka.

Sudah cukup banyak kejadian dimana anak2x gak ada pilihan lain kecuali menerima dengan lapang dada, banyak argumen2x yg bisa menimbulkan konflik walau cuma sedikit & gue juga sudah cukup begah dg keadaan dimana Dave selalu membela para bule ituh.

Kayaknya emang it's about time for me to find another job.. Dg semakin vokalnya gue, pasti Dave juga gak akan senang tokh ? Jadi, daripada gue ditendang, lebih baik gue cari kerja duluan, resign and this time I'm gonna tell him the truth, what actually is going on in the office.

Tapi, semoga aja gak ada kejadian yg diluar batas kesabaran gue. Semoga aja kepala gue tetep dingin..

Wednesday, August 2

Surprise party

As you all know, kemaren adalah ulang taun gue, and gue mau bercerita sedikit mengenai the first suprise party I ever had in life.

Jam 4.30 sore, tau2x lampu mati. Gue pikir mati lampu dooooooooong, jadi gue cuma bisa bilang, yah kok mati lampu ? Tapi gue tetep duduk dg manis and seconds later, Lani, Grace, Dissa & Novi keluar bawa 2 cakes sambil nyanyi "Happy Birthday Ijul". Gue yang speechless, gak bisa ngomong apa2x, antara terharu, senang ama kaget. Ada 2 cake, 1 dari om yo & tante grace, warna ungu, bulet pake lilin angka 30. Yang satu lagi tiramisu untuk gue & dave (soalnya dia ultah tgl 29 juli). Nah, lilin2x yg di tiramisu itu yg agak bermasalah. Tau dong, lilin yg udah ditiup berulang kali tapi gak bisa mati. Jadilah, kita semua sibuk niupin lilinnya, krn bule2x itu takut smoke detectornya nyala. Akhirnya, G ato sapalah ngambil air di gelas trus naro lilin2x itu. Sampe detik ini, gue masih gak bisa ngomong kecuali ketawa2x gak nyangka :))

Sebelum potong kue, gue yg masih speechless gitu ngeliat anak2x sibuk menata kue di meja kue, trus tiba2x gue dilemparin kertas2x bekas paper shredder then Ryan dg santai & kalemnya bilang ke gue "jangan gerak ya jul.." Trus, cuuuuuuuuuurrrrr, disiramlah gue dg air aqua yg dingin banget dari ujung kepala. Untung gue pake baju coklat tua, jadi gak keliatan basahnya. Tapi perut gue yg dingin banget, brrrr...

Overall, despite I feel old (hiks..), I had a blast day yesterday, and that would be one of my birthday which I wouldn't forget for quite a long time.

(once again) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME !!


Tuesday, August 1

Club three zero

YESSSSSSSSSSS, I'm 30 years old today and I'm having the syndrome of being a 30 y/o.. As you know, I like to think of quite lotsa stuffs and couple of days before my birthday, I did lotsa thinking. I'm not thinking about the past, of what I've done in life, but mostly I think about the future.

Being 30 years old it's quite freaking me out. Being single in my age, in a way it's quite concerned me. I'm not thinking of getting married, but mostly I think that I have to have a baby. That's what I've always think since 5 years ago, having a baby. To be honest, I never think of marriage and having a commitment with only just 1 guy for the rest of my life. Somehow, I just don't think it's quite possible. Yes, I know I'm gonna get old and will be less attractive, but I don't know.. The thought of spending the rest of my days with only just 1 man, it's quite hard. I know myself.. :))

If only there's no rules that woman should have a baby before 35, I think every single women's life would be so much easier. Where do that marriage idea comes from ? Why human do have get married ? Why can't we just live in a single life and living like other normal human being ? Why society still think that it's not normal for women who still single in their 30s ?

Sometimes we have no other choice but to accept that we live in a society where we should go by their own rules. If we do something different, people might think we're absurd.. Sometimes I just wanna go away and live in a life where nobody knows me, where there's no rules, and live our life in peacefully.. Yet, I still enjoy being in a place where I am now.

Age is just 2-digit numbers, and it wouldn't show one's maturity. Yet somehow, when the number add up every year, it freaks out some people. And I am that some people..


Tuesday, July 11



Tadi pagi gue nonton pertandingan final Prancis vs Italy yg akhirnya dimenangkan oleh Italia lewat adu penalti dg skor 5-3. Gue yang leganya minta ampun, gemeteran, loncat-loncat, terharu, bahagia, semuanya campur aduk !!

Terakhir Italia menang Piala Dunia tahun 1982, tapi terakhir maju ke final 1994. Afterthat, Italia seperti gak ada prestasi sama sekali. Sempat masuk ke final Piala Eropa th 2000, tapi kalah ama Prancis lewat sudden death dg skor 2-1. Dan lawan Prancis semalem, semua dendam kesumat Italia terbalaskan. Tahun 1998 waktu perempat final, Italia dikalahkan Prancis juga dan lewat adu penalti. Makanya, gue deg2xan banget waktu adu penalti pagi ini, krn Italia just like cursed to the penalty shoot-out.

France team is not more than just a bunch of actors, secara mereka gak diapa2xin tapi jatuh, and yang nyesek waktu dikasih penalti di menit ke-5. Untung banget Materazzi yg membuat Prancis dapet penalti equalize di babak 1 juga and keadaan menjadi 1-1 ampe perpanjangan waktu selesai.

Pas perpanjangan waktu, gue yg teriak bahagia waktu Zizou dikeluarin krn menanduk dada Materazzi. Such a shame for Zizou to end his international tournament with that kinda behaviour. He deserves to be sent out and the referee did a great thing. Too bad dia dikeluarin pas perpanjangan waktu babak ke-2. Coba kalo dia dikeluarin pas perpanjangan babak 1, gue yakin Italia gak perlu melewati tendangan adu penalti.

Yg buat gue deg2xan lagi adl, Italia itu gak pernah menang kalo adu penalti. Tadi pagi aja, Buffon gak bisa antisipasi bola dg bener. Beruntung dewi fortuna ada di pihak Italia, jadi tendangan Trezeguet hanya kena mistar gawang and semua tendangan Italia gak ada yg diselamatin Barthez.

This year, at least to 4-year ahead, is Italy's year and Lippi is the best coach ever. Italy is the best team and Cannavaro-Del Piero-Totti end their year with a great thing, bringing the World Cup to Italy and make Italy as the country with the 4th crown, right below Brasil.



Monday, July 3

Roller coaster weekend !!

Gue ngantuk, dah di kantor dari jam 7.50 pagi, hoaheeeeeeeeeeemmmm. Selama perjalanan ke kantor aja gue tidur kok, mayan lah sekitar 15 menit, dari Kebayoran Lama ampe TVRI, heheheheeeeeee :))

How's my weekend doin ? Jumat malem, pulang dari kantor jam 7 and macet total. Gak biasa2xnya tuh macet banget. Makan waktu 1 jam untuk nyampe Komdak, sementara biasanya kalo jam segitu cuma 15-20 menit ajah. Dinihari nonton bola, Italia vs Ukraina and gue deg2xan banget. Untung aja zambrotta ngegolin di menit ke-6, jadi sakit perut gue agak berkurang sedikit. And pas Luca Toni ngegolin dan buat skor jadi 2-0 di babak kedua, gue langsung lega. Eeeeeeeeeeh, 10 menit kemudian (menit 69) Toni ngegolin lagi and buat Italia gak mungkin dikejar ama Ukraina. Gue bersorak sorai bergembira krn Italia masuk semifinal setelah 2x Piala Dunia dia cuma mentok di perempat final sajah

Sabtu pagi, gue harus udah bangun dari jam 7.30, krn gue ada tes penterjemah di UI Salemba. Gue gak ada persiapan gitu, abis bingung juga apa yg mau dipersiapin, secara katanya tesnya cuma essay doang mengenai pemahaman bahasa Inggris. Tesnya sendiri, kita harus milih 1 diantara 2 artikel yg dikasih and selama 2 jam itu kita harus menerangkan dalam bahasa Indonesia mengenai pemahaman kita itu. Mau gak mau lah, walo judulnya pemahaman, tetep end up-nya diterjemahin, walo gak plek diterjemahin kata per kata. Abis dari UI, jemput mbak Prita and ke PIM untuk antri tiket Superman Returns. Ternyata, BCA Card mbak Piet decline, jadi sia2x deh mengantri selama 15-30 menit, ugh !! Gue ke gramedia beli bahan2x untuk farewell gift om yo. Nyampe rumah, sekitar jam 14.30, trus rencananya mau tidur. Tapi, berhubung gue liat bola di SCTV, jadilah gak mau tidur. Gue bela2xin nonton ampe abis krn pengen liat insiden Jerman-Argentina di akhir perempat final setelah adu penalti, eh ternyata gak ada, dipotong ama SCTV-nya. Tau gitu kan gue tidur dari jam 3, bukan dari jam 5.

Malemnya, kita sekeluarga ke PRJ. Huaduh, rameeeeeeeeeeeeee bangettttt !! Emang dasar yah, keluarga kita ini banci bahas and heboh banget. Dari masalah jalan, parkir ampe gak tau lagi deh hal printilan lainnya, kita tuh yg ribuuuuuuuuuttttttt banget sepanjang perjalanan. PRJ tumpah ruah kayak apaan tauk tuh, penuh buanget, looks like all Jakartan went there !! Gue lupa, kapan terakhir kali gue ke PRJ. Yang jelas, udah lamaaaaaaa banget gue gak kesana.

Ada kejadian di malem minggu itu yg membuat gue bercucuran air mata. Gara2x sms gambreng antar anak2x kantor mengenai om Yo and gue yg nangis di antara kerumunan banyak orang. Gue ampe diomelin ibu supaya gak smsan, tapi ya gimana, orang tau2x aja gak bisa nahan air mata. Gue langsung kebayang betapa gue akan nangis di hari terakhir dia and I believe it's not only me who'll cry. Aaaaaah, even now when I write this, I'm in tears, just can't control it.

He's a good man, one of the person I admire in life and him leaving the project team will be a catastrophy, it'd be like a Titanic, sinking slowly under water. He got all the quality of being a great leader. It's hard but I have to respect whatever he has decided, as he's the one who knows what's best in his life. Me as his colleague, can't do anything but to support him. Very sad :(

Sunday noon, me and the big family watched Superman Returns in PIM and it was awesome !! He's so cute and the movie went far away from disappointing, good story and didn't realize that it's a 2,5 hour-movie.

To sum it up in a line, I had a roller coaster weekend, just like what I put in this title..

Thursday, June 29

World cup fever

Gue ngantuuuuuuuuuuk banget... Mungkin krn pengaruh kebanyakan nonton bola, jadi tidurnya diatas jam 12 terus. Italia lolos ke perempat final and hari jumat ini bakalan lawan Ukraina untuk lolos ke semifinal.

Gue berdoa banget supaya Italia bisa maju ke final. Terakhir Italia masuk final th 94 dan terakhir jadi pemenang Piala Dunia th 1982. Makanya, gue berharap supaya Piala Dunia kali ini Italia menang.

Malem ini ampe besok, untungnya libur dari pertandingan. Tapi ntar jumat gue bakalan deg2xan lagi. Pertarungan hidup mati banget deh. Duuuh, semoga Italia masih dicintai ama dewi fortuna. Soalnya, pertandingan yg kemarin lawan Aussie itu, Italia bener2x main jelek. Males banget ngambil bola, mungkin down krn Aussie terlalu mendominasi permainan and mereka main dg 10 orang. Untung aja mereka tertolong dg penalti yg kalo kata orang2x yg bete ama Italia "penalti kontroversial". Whatever it is, yg penting Italia masuk ke perempat final.

Anyway, gue lagi nungguin om yo yg lagi otw ke kantor dari meeting ama Telkomsel. Kayaknya tiap malem gue pulang bareng ama dia mulu. Yaaaaaah, sembari memanfaatkan waktu sebelum dia beneran cabut yg I still hope he would withdrawn his resignation letter.

Gue mau browsing2x aja deh, walopun gue masih ada kerjaan. Pokoknya, apa yg bisa dikerjakan besok ya kerjakan besok ajah.


Wednesday, June 21

Europe in a glance

This is one of the picture I took when I was in Europe. Yup, I went to Europe in April for 16 days. I was backpacking by myself !! I went to Brussels, Paris, Rome, Vienna, Munich, Rotterdam and Amsterdam. In Brussels, I stayed in youth hotel. In Paris, it was a B&B, so stay in an apartment which I found it on the Internet. I stayed in my friend's apartment in Latina (45 mins by train from Termini - Rome), but since Tithu (the name of my friend) had to work so I wander around Rome by myself. I slept at my high school friend, Ira's house in Vienna but she already booked a flight for her family to Berlin on the following day so her maid, Awal was my escort, heheheheee. Luckily it was weekend when I went to Munich, so my friend, Diyah and her hubby, Ralf could take me around. And last stop was Rotterdam, where I stayed at Made and her hubby, Joost's apt. Made was my elementary school's friend which happen to be my neighbor. It was a wonderful trip, loads of interesting moment, experienced many things which couldn't be replaced and an eye-opening for my view and maturity. When you had nobody else but yourself though you're surrounded by people, you get to know yourself better. It's quite a healing moment for my body, mind and soul. One of the things which I still remember was I met a guy in Louvre Museum. His name is Claude Eric and I still kept his handphone, heheheeee.. He's just one of the guy who wanna jump into bed with girls on the first time they met. Good thing he's kinda cute, but hey, I didn't take his offer cause who knows what would happen. I was all by myself.. It's a different thing if it happened here. Perhpas I would go to his house when he asked me too, heheheheee... I made a wish in Trevi Fountain when I threw a coin, that I had to go back here again someday in the same time. I'm hoping that next year I could go there, but we'll see.. :))

This is one of the picture I took when I was in Europe. Yup, I went to Europe in April for 16 days. I was backpacking by myself !! I went to Brussels, Paris, Rome, Vienna, Munich, Rotterdam and Amsterdam.

In Brussels, I stayed in youth hotel. In Paris, it was a B&B, so stay in an apartment which I found it on the Internet. I stayed in my friend's apartment in Latina (45 mins by train from Termini - Rome), but since Tithu (the name of my friend) had to work so I wander around Rome by myself. I slept at my high school friend, Ira's house in Vienna but she already booked a flight for her family to Berlin on the following day so her maid, Awal was my escort, heheheheee. Luckily it was weekend when I went to Munich, so my friend, Diyah and her hubby, Ralf could take me around. And last stop was Rotterdam, where I stayed at Made and her hubby, Joost's apt. Made was my elementary school's friend which happen to be my neighbor.

It was a wonderful trip, loads of interesting moment, experienced many things which couldn't be replaced and an eye-opening for my view and maturity. When you had nobody else but yourself though you're surrounded by people, you get to know yourself better. It's quite a healing moment for my body, mind and soul.

One of the things which I still remember was I met a guy in Louvre Museum. His name is Claude Eric and I still kept his handphone, heheheeee.. He's just one of the guy who wanna jump into bed with girls on the first time they met. Good thing he's kinda cute, but hey, I didn't take his offer cause who knows what would happen. I was all by myself.. It's a different thing if it happened here. Perhaps I would go to his house when he asked me too, heheheheee...

I made a wish in Trevi Fountain when I threw a coin, that I had to go back here again someday in the same time. I'm hoping that next year I could go there, but we'll see.. :))


Tuesday, June 20

Om Yo mau resign, buhuhuhuhuuuuuu...

Gila ya, gue sekarang udah berubah menjadi workaholic yg gak jelas. Waktu gue tersita habis untuk kerja, kerja dan kerja. And speaking of kerja & kantor, gue lagi sedih banget. Om Yo mau resign bulan depan, tapi masih belum jelas sih tanggalnya.

Buat gue, dia itu orang yg super baik di kantor, bisa diajak diskusi, pinter, punya inter personal skills yg gak semua orang punya, dan bisa ngerangkul semua orang to become 1 solid team.

Kasus yg dialamin dia gak jauh dari yang pernah gue alamin waktu di Embassy dulu. Udah gak bisa ngusik kerjaan, jadi personal-lah yg diserang. Gue cukup shock ngedengernya, tapi I think that's the best for him. Gue pernah ngerasain apa yg dia alamin and I did the same thing. Pride is much more expensive than your pay cheque. Walopun gue sedih luar biasa, tapi gue kayaknya harus ngebiasain untuk mandiri.

Susaaaaaah banget, and kalo gue lagi bengong2x mikirin dia mau cabut, gue suka nangis sendiri. Gak kebayang, kantor gue ntar kayak Titanic, sinking pelan2x krn sudah gak ada nakhoda kapal yg menyatukan orang2x disini yg kadang egoisnya lebih tinggi daripada toleransi antar sesama. Kita semua bakal kayak anak ayam keilangan induk, gak tau mesti ngadu kemana.

Intinya, gue sedih luar biasa hari2x ini... Buhuhuhuhuuuuuuuuu...

Friday, February 24

Sial !!

Thanks to Ati who could trace my blog and the reminder from Grace to delete the picture. Well, I actually never expect any of you would have a blog too, but what can I do, this ain't Embassy and you guys are an up-to-date person with technology and whatever things happen.

Sebenernya gue gak mau nge-delete postingan itu G, and gak mau juga nge-remove mukedime diana intan, tapi yah, lebih baik mencegah daripada mengobati, jadilah gue apus postingan itu *dgmukasedih*

Tapi ya sudahlah.. G & Ati, kelyan diem2x aja yaaaaaahhhh, udah basi gitu loh :))

Tuesday, February 21


Untuk ati, adhu, g, ato sapa aja orang2x kantor gue yg ternyata dg lihainya bisa nemu blog gue (HUWUH !!), gue cuma mau ngasih tau, kalo gue udah gak crush on him lagi. Selaen udah basi, I found out ternyata orangnya itu lemeeeessss banget (in terms of not having a lively-active-spirit like me, OUCH !!)

Herannya, kenapa juga gue mesti press conf gini ke kelyan yah ? Gue cuma gak mau ada gosip yg gak jelas, ok ? Secara udah basi, trus ceweknya sekantor pula, bisa berabe beneeeeeeerrrr....

Jadi, untuk kelyan yg biang usil alias hacker gak kesampean, keep it for yourself aja. Kalo emang mau nanya2x, mendingan tanya gue langsung and never become a leaking bucket, okeh ??


Monday, February 20

It's been a long time I don't write. I actually have loads of things in mind. Anyway, rather than telling what have happened to me months ago, lemme just write what happened recently.

I moved back to my momma's house. I dunno whether it's a forward move or backward one, but one thing I know, I kinda like it, moving back to my house, being in my room and feel so safe there. Hey, I ain't exaggerate it, but that's what it is.

I still have no boyfriend, which I don't really care, but my momma does. Man, she never learns that I don't like being questioned about a guy. Maybe if I told her that I'm a lesbian, she'd shut her mouth up. Hmmm, maybe I should've tried that one. It's not her fault, asking me when I should get married, but it's not my fault either that I don't get any up until now. It's not that I'm not looking for one, but the thing is, nobody attracted with me. I broaden my network, but the link keeps coming back to the old one, my inner circle and I have no complain about it.

At my age now, making new friends is quite hard. It's either we become so active in finding them (and who knows some of them are attracted with us and we could go out together, bla bla bla) or choose the passive one, let our friends introduce us to their friend and if they are interested to us, let them be the one to reach us.

And, why are we talking about this now ? Ain't I suppose to talk about what had happened ? The weekend ? D'oh !!

The past weekend, I spent it with the Embassy icon: g, sue, jenah, arif & mike. Friday after office hours, while I still at work, they did groceries shopping and when I finished my work, I went to Plaza Semanggi, then we altogether went to get some dinner at Muara Karang. For the second time in my life in 5 years, I went to this area. The reason why I don't go to this place is, it's fuckin' far and I'd get lost if I go there. Anyway, we had seafood as our dinner. Mike was already there when we arrived, and the food was ordered too, so it only took us 5 minutes to wait for the food. It was awesome, grilled squid, clams in padang sauce, steam lodi fish, calamari, fried shrimp with garlic, stew kangkung and stew beansprout with salted fish. I was soooo full !!

We went to Arif's place, and just in time we park the car, the storm started out and it didn't end until 10 minutes later and it was pretty scary. Everytime the storm stroke, there must be a car's alarm which beeping. So you could imagine how noisy and annoying it was that nite, you could hear lotsa variation of alarm sounds.

Though raining plus storm, we still went out to Babyface. Well, we actually prefer to go to bed, but grace was dying to hang out and insist us to go. It was 4 of us who didn't wanna go, but we gave in for grace. I don't know what made us go there, whether deep down we wanna go or it's all because we didn't want her to get mad at us. As for me, I chose the last one, heheheheeeeee...

We didn't stay long, only 1 hour there. We left at 1.30am, back to the apartment, slept round 2ish, then woke up at 8.30, and I was the last one who woke up. Arif & Sue in the kitchen, cooked us breakfast, while grace were watching TV & jenah (hmmm, i forgot what she was doing that moment).

After we had our breakfast, clean up a little (sue was brooming the floor, and wanna know what she got, all my falling hair, hahahahaaaaaa...) then took off to Sukabumi at 11ish. Oya, Mike was waiting for us at the parking gate, and he didn't bring anything but a small green postman bag. The road to go there was ok. We got there quite fast, only 1,5 hours, jammed a li'l bit at the traffic light (as we were all expected to be). We had lunch at Nusa Sari, the popular sundanese resto at Sukabumi's area.

Afterwards we headed straight to Yenny's villa, a nice house, with a fish pond in front, paddy rice field at the left side and right side is a mountain. So nice, so fresh air, so relaxing. Jenah & arif went a little bit of fishing, Sue were sleeping, G & me watched tv, but then I fell asleep, probably for 1 hour or so. Jenah's maid cooked us dinner, it was a nice dinner. Actually, that dinner was intended for our lunch. Unfortunately, there's been a miscommunication here, so Jenah's mom didn't call her at all, so when we got there, we saw her maid was frying a fish and on the table, it was full of food.

Around 10 pm, we went to Puncak to celebrate Sue's birthday, her 33rd. She doesn't look that old though, well, I guess probably I always see her almost everyweek, so I didn't notice any changes in her. The funny thing is, we asked the pengamen to come back to our seat at 12 midnite and sang happy birthday to susan. It was quite hillarious, because we were acting crazy and they even ask us whether we had other songs in mind so they could play it. So we asked them singing TTM by Ratu and bang thoyib (dunno know who sang it).

We headed back to the villa I think around 12.30. Everybody already went back to sleep at 2, but I didn't until 3 am, because there was World Cup 90 on SCTV. 1990 was the first world cup I saw and that was the moment I fell in love with football and decide that Italian is my number one football team.

Sunday, once again I'd be the last person to wake up, while everybody was (again) busy in the kitchen, cooking da breakfast. Hmmm,it's only Sue, Jenah & Arif though, cause G was busy watching infotainment da morning edition and Mike was somewhere around da house, doing meditation or else :))

We finally left at 1pm, after doing some photo shoot at the rice field, almost fell off (wondering why I couldn't get the balance while it's an easy scene). We went to Bogor for lunch, but before, we went to gedong dalam to buy asinan buah & sayur, kue pia coklat, went to FO (arif bought 2 "banci" clothes) and then we got to mangiare for late lunch (it's 3 pm already).

We were heading back to Jakarta at 4.30, got to PIM 2 at 5.15 (hey, I just realize that it only took me less than 1 hour to drive back to Jakarta). Got home at 6.30 and felt so damn tired. Got sms from Arif that I missed one helluva view, a girl was BJ-ing her boyfriend in da car when the traffic light showed red. Man, if I was there, I would definitely open the window and yell at them said "do it at home, you sick people". Gee, people are getting crazier each day.

Anyhow, I felt that was one of the great weekend I had with the iconers and perhaps next month again, in Anyer.

I'll put some photo in here (if I'm not too lazy to do so)
