As you all know, kemaren adalah ulang taun gue, and gue mau bercerita sedikit mengenai the first suprise party I ever had in life. Jam 4.30 sore, tau2x lampu mati. Gue pikir mati lampu dooooooooong, jadi gue cuma bisa bilang, yah kok mati lampu ? Tapi gue tetep duduk dg manis and seconds later, Lani, Grace, Dissa & Novi keluar bawa 2 cakes sambil nyanyi "Happy Birthday Ijul". Gue yang speechless, gak bisa ngomong apa2x, antara terharu, senang ama kaget. Ada 2 cake, 1 dari om yo & tante grace, warna ungu, bulet pake lilin angka 30. Yang satu lagi tiramisu untuk gue & dave (soalnya dia ultah tgl 29 juli). Nah, lilin2x yg di tiramisu itu yg agak bermasalah. Tau dong, lilin yg udah ditiup berulang kali tapi gak bisa mati. Jadilah, kita semua sibuk niupin lilinnya, krn bule2x itu takut smoke detectornya nyala. Akhirnya, G ato sapalah ngambil air di gelas trus naro lilin2x itu. Sampe detik ini, gue masih gak bisa ngomong kecuali ketawa2x gak nyangka :))Sebelum potong kue, gue yg masih speechless gitu ngeliat anak2x sibuk menata kue di meja kue, trus tiba2x gue dilemparin kertas2x bekas paper shredder then Ryan dg santai & kalemnya bilang ke gue "jangan gerak ya jul.." Trus, cuuuuuuuuuurrrrr, disiramlah gue dg air aqua yg dingin banget dari ujung kepala. Untung gue pake baju coklat tua, jadi gak keliatan basahnya. Tapi perut gue yg dingin banget, brrrr...Overall, despite I feel old (hiks..), I had a blast day yesterday, and that would be one of my birthday which I wouldn't forget for quite a long time. (once again) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME !!

Surprise party
YESSSSSSSSSSS, I'm 30 years old today and I'm having the syndrome of being a 30 y/o.. As you know, I like to think of quite lotsa stuffs and couple of days before my birthday, I did lotsa thinking. I'm not thinking about the past, of what I've done in life, but mostly I think about the future. Being 30 years old it's quite freaking me out. Being single in my age, in a way it's quite concerned me. I'm not thinking of getting married, but mostly I think that I have to have a baby. That's what I've always think since 5 years ago, having a baby. To be honest, I never think of marriage and having a commitment with only just 1 guy for the rest of my life. Somehow, I just don't think it's quite possible. Yes, I know I'm gonna get old and will be less attractive, but I don't know.. The thought of spending the rest of my days with only just 1 man, it's quite hard. I know myself.. :))If only there's no rules that woman should have a baby before 35, I think every single women's life would be so much easier. Where do that marriage idea comes from ? Why human do have get married ? Why can't we just live in a single life and living like other normal human being ? Why society still think that it's not normal for women who still single in their 30s ? Sometimes we have no other choice but to accept that we live in a society where we should go by their own rules. If we do something different, people might think we're absurd.. Sometimes I just wanna go away and live in a life where nobody knows me, where there's no rules, and live our life in peacefully.. Yet, I still enjoy being in a place where I am now. Age is just 2-digit numbers, and it wouldn't show one's maturity. Yet somehow, when the number add up every year, it freaks out some people. And I am that some people..

Club three zero