My long weekend was a BLAST !! Hari jumat, gue-lany-grace-lucya makan di Tony Roma's dg Arjun sbg penyokong dana. Tadinya nyaris gak jadi dinner disana, krn Arjun mau nyusul langsung di X2. But, the first original plan was, dinner first and clubbing, so Lucya strictly remind him about this on the phone and boom, he said yes to go to the dinner.. Way to go, gal !! I love how you handle him :)Lucya dg kurang ajarnya yah, ngabur ninggalin gue, G & lany aja gitu.. Dia tadinya ijin ke toilet, tapi gak berapa lama dia nelp G utk minta nomer telp drivernya and setelah itu, gelagat dia gak akan balik pun kecium. Emang dasar deh, dia itu pinter banget kalo urusan kabur2xan. Jadilah kita akhirnya ber-3 nemenin Arjun, tapi gue & G basically ngobrol bedua aja, secara Arjun itu hitting on Lany everytime there's a chance. Either megang2x punggung, rambut ato tangan.. Wuidiiiiiiiih, horny berats gue rasa tuh !! Abis dari Tony Roma's, kita jalan ke X2. Kita pikir, we were the first guests, since it's still 10pm, but turns out all tables are booked and quite lotsa people there. We didn't even get the seat in vintage room which played classic disco music, so we moved to Equinox in 2nd floor, where played R&B songs. Next to Equinox is an Ego room where only member can go inside. The main area is in the 1st floor, and the music is house-progressive-techno. We luckily had seat in equinox, although it's on the bar area, but at least we didn't stand like the rest of people who came later on. I got the feeling that Arjun didn't like me working in Ericsson, or perhaps he didn't even care whether I was there or not because when he asked me the question of my new job, then when I answered, he didn't pay attention at all. Well, I didn't care at all though...
I was so thankful that after a while, perhaps in 30-40 minutes, Grace saw Ikhwan outside equinox and directed him to our seat. I was soooooooo missing him & and his crazy attitude. He came with Santos, Vicent & his girlfriend. Couldn't care with Arjun, so I joined his group, which few moments later, Lany & Grace were busy calling my name to go back to the seat & accompany Arjun, aaaaaarrrrrggggghhhh...
I think around 12 midnite, we came downstair then not so long afterwards, Soren & Praba came. I guess we were all saved by their appearance, because I felt weird when Arjun danced with us and grabbed our waist, somehow it was so disgusting, yukes !! Thank goodness, when he saw Soren & Praba, he stayed only until 1 a.m., perhaps he didn't want them to see him drunk and did some weird thing (yet wanted by him) towards lanyk, such as kissing her in the crowd, hahahahaaaaa...
So many crazy stuffs, like Grace's friend who's hitting on Soren and when she got really wasted (vomitted in the toilet for 2 times), she just couldn't take her body off of Soren, Grace passing the glass around and asked people (eventhough she didn't know yet) to drink from her glass, Soren who was happily dance with his Thursday's girlfriend (his weekend's girlfriend was the one whom he met in Mambruk, Anyer), Vicent & his girlfriend were off from the crowd for perhaps 30mins - 1 hour and left Santos & Ikhwan in the dance floor, Praba who opened 2 bottles of I-dunno-the name-of-the brand, Lany who was in big trouble because her boyfriend came in frozen's face (and Soren still spank her ass, stoopid !!), me who soberly-dance all nite long.. Then we left at 4pm, I got home at 4.30 when my mother already went to the masjid for shalat Subuh..
I was planning to sleep and wake up later at noon, perhaps around 2, but since I already made my promise to attend pak Iman's wedding, so I woke up at 10:30, got dressed and left at 12 noon. There was my Nokia's friends, anggi, yanti, linda, endah, risti, anti, pak akbar, gede, odjo, ivan, joko, yadi, iman, surya, berry and the drivers like pak tolib, pak anis and pak arifin. Pak Samuel also came and Mario came as the last person from Nokia.
I left with pak Akbar and on the way home, Mario called. So we decided to go to Plaza Senayan, while pak Akbar went straight home. That wasn't the best time of my life, but I really was grateful that I could have the time alone with him. As far as we know each other, that was the first time we spent time together and it was 3 hours. We talked about works, life, quite few stuffs. Yeah, I know he's married, though I don't know whether he's happily married or not, but I can't deny myself that I still like him and the feeling still there without him knowing it. I really couldn't describe how happy I was and I felt that was one of my best Saturday in life :))
I didn't do anything much on Saturday beside went to Pak Raden to buy pempek, as I crave to eat it for days and unfortunately, the pempek keriting was outta stock, aaaarrrrggghhhh...!!! I slept around 1:30, because I was watching 8MM in Trans TV and it was quite a nice film from Nicholas Cage.
Mbak Piet called me up at 6:30 and asked me to take the car to her house as she's leaving for Bandung in few minutes. Maaaaan, I was so sleepy when I drove the car. Luckily, her house was only 200M away, otherwise I'd be pissed to death with her. Then I went back to my house, slept again til 8:30 when my eldest sister woke me up and said that the Anti-Dengue Sprayed will come in few minutes to our house. My goodnes, can I sleep in peacefully ? So then I decided to go back to my sista's house and continue my rest there, but when I got to her house, I'm totally awake so I just read the newspaper..
Around 2pm, Iting sent me sms and asked me to go to Sundaze party in Grand Kemang Hotel. Well, since I had no other plane, I took the invitation and go there. We came there at 5:30 and it was quite pack. There's no big event whatsoever, it's just another party held in Jakarta. There was also a bazaar, clothes, no food, but drinks everywhere. So you could expect by 8pm, I found quite few people got drunk already because of frozen margarita, beers, whiskey coke while I only drank mocktail since I just had my hair wash :))
Me, Iting & Risty left the venue less than 9 and headed to Dim Sum as we were all hungry. Gareng & Mel came later on, then the open-discussion-of-life began. Iting share her lovelife story, Gareng too, while Risty and especially me just being a good listener. Thank goodness I don't have any boyfriend so I don't need to live a complicated life. Well, eventhough I had one, I don't think that my life would be complicated like them.. Perhaps I really do think like a guy, so I don't need anything which complicates my life and add another weight in my shoulder... Gue minta didrop Iting di Citos krn gue dah craving berats sama yg namanya J.Co donuts, so I bought a dozen of it for the next day.
Senin pagi, gue dah bangun dari jam 6.30 secara gue dah janji ngajak ibukyu makan lontong sayur padang di Sabang. Tapi unfortunately, daun pakisnya lagi gak ada, tapi emang lontong sayur ibu itu enak banget. Nyampe rumah, gue lanjut tidur dari jam 8 ampe jam 12 dimana in between gue bangun hanya untuk makan setengah potong donat and continue my sleeping. Jam 1.30 gue ke rumah Tiki krn gue mau barengan dia pergi ke ultah Isma, anaknya Ira yg ultah ke-3 di kolam renang Pd. Indah. Sempet ada ujan, tapi untung terang lagi. Ada lulu + beta + 2 cute babies, Farrel & Neva trus ada Anti + Irul yg plan to get married this 17 August, Maya + Fuad yg didn't stay long, trus temen2x Ira lainnya. Acara selesai jam 6, bis itu kita tadinya mau nonton and sembari nunggu jam main film, Tiki mau ke salon cuci rambut dulu, tapi ternyata Ira gak bisa & Kresti dah nonton Dreamgirls, jadilah gue & TIki yg udah ada di parkiran Wijaya Centre muter balik and headed home.
Nyampe rumah, gue langsung nyetel DVD Heroes and gue stayed up until 12 midnite dan dah nyelesein 4 episodes.. Mungkin kalo gak inget kerja di keesokan harinya, gue akan terus nonton.
So that's all about my long weekend and though I didn't have much rest (cross my finger, I didn't), but I enjoyed it so much..

my weekend was a blast !!