Wednesday, May 21

..Dave Cook - The World I Know..

I know i know, I might be a spoiler to some of you, the AI fans, but I just can't help it to post this video.

This is his 3rd song in the AI Finale and I get goosebumped by it. DC sang Collective Soul's song ? I'm loving him even more.. Don't really care if he couldn't win the title, I love this guy so much..


  1. so si tukang masak yang jawara? wah dari awal om salah nebak..kirain tukang masak yang satu [kathy] :d

  2. waaaaaah, kristy itu mah udah ditendang dari kapan tauk, om :)

  3. belum tau nit, baru besok pagi pengumumannya.. doakeun semoga dave cook yg menang yah..
