Friday, February 27


After almost 8 years, yesterday was my 1st time to drink a guava juice again. I stopped drinking guava juice and stopped eating the fruit ever since I was hospitalized due to dengue fever. Before I got hospitalized, guava was one of my fave fruit. That's because I have the tree at my house, and I remembered when I was a little kid living in Palembang, I used to climb on that tree, but not a pretty high climb though, still reachable by my mom's hands

Anyway, right after the doc diagnosed me that I got dengue fever, all of sudden, every one who paid me a visit brought packs of guava juice and it really made me sick. I even hate the smell and it continued for almost 8 years. There was this one time, when I went to Mayestik and I had to pass this guava's stall. My time to hold my breath didn't fit enough so you wanna know what happen next ? I almost vomit right in front of the guy and thankfully I got my mom next to me, so she just dragged me to the car and we were running like we chased a pickpocketer just to get me a fresh air.

That guava thing really got me so worst. When I went out with my friend and one of them was ordering guava juice, I had to change my seat and sat really really far away from that person, otherwise I'd vomit right away. Yeah yeah yeah, you might say I'm exagerrating, but that's what happened. I really can't stand guava. Yikes!

Finally, yesterday, I can put my trauma of this guava thing behind and could drink it again without worrying myself to vomit. Pfuffhh...



  1. Ini iklan ya Jul, hehehehe, guava emang enak kan?

  2. bukan iklan, tapi ngasih tau kalo stelah 8 taun, berani juga minum guava lagi.. Enak ? Hmmm, it's ok..

  3. baru sadar gw kalo lo sering banget difoto dari sisi kiri ya? liat deh diatas, sama gitu sama foto profile lo di sebelah kanan, hehehe... sisi andelan ya jul? :p

  4. hihihihiiiiiiiiiii, tau aja loe... Kan gue kayak Cornelia Agatha, angle-nya bagus kalo dari kiri :))

  5. masukin ke wikipedia kali gak ? sapa tau juga ada yang sama kayak gue, kekekekeeeeeeekkk...

  6. kayak vita jelly tapi dari guava gitu ?

  7. hahahha...
    gue baca kalimat pertama udah nebak, jul, loe pasti parno gara2 demam berdarah hahahha...
    kayanya orang2 DB setelahnya klo gak benci jus jambu ato gak pocari sweat ato dua2nya hihihi....
    tapi bagus lah bisa dikendalikan lagi trauma-nya ;)

  8. wuahahahaaaaa, iya ya ? kalo emak gue trauma ama pocari sweat, tapi gak separah gue siy, secara dia masih suka minta pocari gue :))

  9. Hahahaha si ijul, bukan maksudnya ngetawain lucu ajah, trus itu foto lg casting utk jd iklan buavita?


  10. hya! itu sih taruma beli kayanya hahahahaha.... bukan trauma minumnya whuehehhe....

  11. wuakakakaaaaaa, gue aduin emak gue loh :))

  12. pengennya, tapi berhubung buavita dah ada nirina zubir, jadi gue lewat deh :))

    kemaren akhirnya ngantri berapa jam ?

  13. waa... ammmpun, juul!! amppunnn!!!

    maap yah, tante!! saya becanda lhooo.....
