Wednesday, February 25

..selfish parents..

This is the picture of how selfish a parent this day. I took this pix on Friday, Feb 20th @ 10:30 PM @ 2nd fl of Metro PIM in the men clothes / linen area.

On that Friday, Metro started their first day of Metro Big Sale and only on that day, they had a very big discount up to 70%, and moreover, for the first time ever, Metro PIM had a midnite sale (at least to my knowledge).

On that night, there were so many kids around, sitting on the floor, feeling exhausted but had no guts arguing with their parent whose busy hunting for some stuffs & ask them to come home. I feel sorry for them but most of all, I'm so "amazed" with their parents.. They prioritize their needs of going shopping regardless how late it is rather than putting their kids to bed. It's 10:30 PM, so ain't they think that it's passing their kid's bedtime already ? What they were thinking ? Can't they wait to tomorrow ?

Parents these days, like to feed their kids with material stuff so they won't be bothered by their kids whining or so on. I'm no parents yet, but hopefully, when someday I'll be one, I won't drag my kids to a department store @ 10:30 PM just for a midnite sale.



  1. napa gak ditinggal di rumah aja ya? moso anak kecil malem2 masih keliaran di mall.

  2. hehehehhehe kaya mbak D dan manager2 kantor gue yang lain...kalo belanja, lebih baik LUNCH from children nagging! hahahahahhaha

  3. nah itu daaaaah.. dah gitu, cuma dikasih game box biar diem sementara orang tuanya asik belanja...

  4. kasian banget yah, ampe musti ngedeprok di lantai gitu,
    seengga2nya taro di rumah dulu kek, minta jagain orangtua, trus baru ngabur :P

    Gue juga dlu pernah sih, diajak ke mangga dua sama tante2 gue dan sepupu2 gue. Jalan ceritanya adalah tante2 kita nraktir kita makan, tapi in return keponakan2nya yang cantik2 ini disuruh megangin belanjaan dan ngekor kemana2. Biasanya dipajang di depan toko, trus mereka masuk kedalem ampe lama (ampe kita mikir jangan2 nih tante2 dah lupa keponakannya lagi mejeng di depan), keluar2 bawa kantong belanjaan baru lagi buat kita tenteng.

    but at least that's not midnite :P

  5. huahahahaaaaa.... judulnya "anda terjebak" :))

  6. kejebak banget, juls!! cuman pan dulu masih lugu, ditanyain, "hari minggu ikut yuk ke jakarta, mau gak??" Orang desa diajak ke kota yah, tentu he eh. Ternyata sampe sana dikaryakan hahahha.....

    yang kasian liatnya anak2 itu bahkan gak ngobrol satu sama lain, sibuk main sendiri. Jadi lebih ke 'main gim' sekarang daripada berinteraksi dengan sodaranya *asumsi mereka duduk deketan karena sodaraan*

  7. wagh tadinya mau cari info bener apa enggak ada midnite sale egh malah ketemu artikel ini, wagh makasi banyak Mba, jadi terbuka lagi nie pikiranku
