Monday, June 21

..just because..

It's been 3 weeks since the video of Ariel, Luna & Cut Tary are broadcasted in the Internet. Being honest, I watched the videos, all version of them, and the reason I watched, it's just for my curiosity. This may sound subjective as I like him (and still do apart of this incident), but I don't see he's doing something wrong here besides he is sick for taping all the sex he did with the women, and I do think he needs some kind of therapy. Yet other than that, there's nothing wrong.

I might sound crazy as I don't walk in the same path as most people do. Those who think he needs to be in jail, who march and demonstrate against him, who react completely exaggerating, who wants to kick him outta Indonesia, who condemn him as if he's the lowest creature God ever mad and act as if they are God and never committed any sin. Not to mention that I disagree what the media did to him. Media who desperately wants a piece of his story and broken the ethic code, and in the name of "press freedom", they have the right to violate his privacy.

Truth, I'm quite sick with those people & the media. I'm not defending him, but was he really doing something wrong ? I'm pretty sure that on the first place he taped his sexual activity with those women, he never want it to be broadcasted. Second thing, what is wrong with having pre-marital sex ? We are not a country ruled by religion, and religion itself is a people's choice. Why we are so busy judging & condemning him ? If they claim as the religious people, they should know that the only one who has the prerogative to judge is GOD, nobody else has it. On the other hand, doesn't it show that they are being so hypocrite ? For example, this lawyer who cheated on his wife, married someone else (illegaly by country but legally by his religion), is the first person in the front line to sue him & his girlfriend. So much for never committed adultery, rite ?

It really doesn't make sense to me at all, why this is now becoming a big news. Is it just because his tapes with two different women are exposed? Is it just because they are jealous he screwed those women that were in their dreams every night ? Is it just because his doing it better than them ? 

One thing I know for sure, it's just because he's an Indonesian, then it becomes a big deal. If he's not residing in Indonesia - the hypocrite country ever, where majority people love juicy gossip, stick their nose to others, sweating over small stuffs and try their best to hide big problem, busy catching the person who upload the video rather than than solving the Century, Markus or Gayus case - I'm sure he could breathe easily and enjoying his day with no worries at all.



  1. Agree with all of these!

    Gw ga suka ariel, tapi gue juga ga suka orang2 sok suci itu hhehe

  2. Heheheeee... Akuh tetap sukah Ariel :)

  3. oh gue emang ga suka ariel dari dulu...cuma keliatan kampung aja dibahas mulu udah berminggu minggu kaya ga ada bahasan.... hadeeeeuhhhh....

  4. i think it's beyond kampungan now

  5. Ijuul....setujuuuu
    I like Ariel too...What is with all these munafik idiots....
    Lagian masalah video beginian kan udah sering kejadian kayak video Itenas. I think people are ready to just get over it. Just leave them alone....

  6. Betul, it's been weeks and we're all so sick with the news.. I got the conclusion that the media blow this up so the so-called Dana Aspirasi Rakyat tertutupi oleh berita ini.

  7. indeed!!!
    dont make any excuses for being God...

  8. hahhahahahha...............may God have mercy on him...

  9. Tidak pernah suka Ariel atau Brad Pitt (yg dipuja wanita2 dimana2)...moral of d story...kalo lain kali bikin video intim...coba dijaga baik2 :D

  10. jadi keinget phrase ini : judge not lest you be judged, let he who is without sin cast the first stone

  11. gue gak apal apa kata2x pastinya di Quran, tapi it has the same meaning in the second phrase:)
