Monday, May 12


You can get enlightment from anywhere, that's one thing I know for sure..

Last saturday nite, my best friend told me that she broke up with her 2-years boyfriend last week, while they are planning to get married next year. Intinya, her boyfriend told her that he's not ready to get married (and he's 33 y/o but still not ready ? Gee..) and he told my friend to go find another guy who's willing to marry her next year. He told her that she's pushing her and she ruins everything that they already built for these past 2-years. He said that he loves her deeply but he's not ready to be settled. And he said it on the phone cause he was busy playing pool, while she thought he was busy working (hmmm, i wonder what her reaction would be if she were me, yang baru sehari break up tapi ternyata dia udah "maen gila" ma cewek lain.. Apa kata dunia ? )

Anyway, my mission on that nite was to give her strength & to forget the burden she had eventhough for one nite. Jadi yah, sebagai teman yang baik, I gave her shoulder to cry on, ears to listen to her stories and on the other hand, I'm so thankful that I don't need to go through a longtime relationship to get disappointment from a guy which in the end, being hurt over and over again. So, let's move on and get over it (1st enlightment)

Last nite, I hang out with my 2 good friends @ Citos, jadwal rutin tiap minggu sore, ngopi2x utk relaksasi pikiran & fisik. Gak berapa lama, ada 1 orang lagi yang dateng, and kita ngobrol2x mulai dari yg gak penting kayak gosip artis & acara tv ampe kehidupan masa kini & datang. Ada satu hal yg menurut gue, mereka ngomongnya sambil lalu tapi cukup membuka mata. They said, that someday, when we look back to our love life and looking back to the grieving moment, we will laugh at it and said "why in the hell we let ourselves be in that moment ?" So on the way back home, while driving my car, I kept thinking about it and then confirm that they were right. (2nd enlightment)

Pagi ini, ketika gue udah mau nyampe kantor, di Indika lagi muter lagu dari D'Sound and gue lupa judulnya, yg jelas ada kalimatnya begini "every goodbye is a new hello" and I was, daaaaamn, that was absolutely right. It's time to really say goodbye to the past and say hello to the future. What has happened is a history, take a lesson from it and now it's time to go find a better future (3rd enlightment)

Now it's time for me to go back to work. Happy Monday everybody



  1. Ngga papa.. bagus postingan lo hari ini Jul..

  2. heheheheeeee, yang kemaren2x gak bagus dong ? :)

  3. harus tetap berjiwa muda dong ah, mike :))

  4. iiiieck..., kalo itu sih, nenek2 tetangga gue juga banyak yang berjiwa muda. so that's not what i mean lah. hi hi hi .. anyway dari kata2 elo, makes me wonder udah brapa banyak enlightment didapet nenek2 tralala trilili itu ya... hehehe...

  5. eh, nenek2xnya pake korset gitu gak ?

    *jadi inget nenek metal di kosan temen gue di bandung yg doyan pake korset, lagi jemur pakaian, eeeeeeeehhh... korsetnya melorot*
