Tadi siang ada satu orang temen gue yg punya status ym kayak begini: "A man with a knowledge is a man whose not only love his enemy but also hate his friend." I didn't know where he quote this though, perhaps from the book he read or the Internet he browsed or sumwhere else, didn't wanna know anyway.
Well, I really against that quote. I mean, love your enemy is still making sense to me, as it's in order to know what actually in their thought. But hate your friend ?? How could you hate your friend if they're being nice to you, be there when you're down, giving you their shoulder to cry on, lending you the ears so you could tell them stories, laugh at you when you're happy and cry with you when you're sad ? How on earth you could hate your friend without any reason ? To me, friends are an important aspect in life, and if I have no friend, I shouldn't be considered as a human being. Cause as you all know, human being is a perfect social creature that God ever made, which means, we should be socializing with other people, and someday those people can turn to be our long-time friend.
So, reading that quote made me think that whoever wrote it must be a loner, and whoever agree with it must be one too. I mean, if you really wanna hate your friends, then why you bother spending your time to ever be friend with them from the beginning ?
I don't know, some people really think in a different way.. A way that nobody else could ever comprehend, sigh...
english ya....
ReplyDeletera ngertiiiiii ^_^
heheheheee, tadinya mo pake basa endonesa, tapi mendadak pengen sok england getoh, jadinya ancur berantakan gini deh :))
ReplyDeletestres kaleee
ReplyDeleteToo much think will kill you.. halah apa sih :))))))))))))))
ReplyDeletekayak lagu brian may aja neh..
ReplyDeleteHate your friend--mungkin in a sense where one shouldn't put his whole trust to the other.
ReplyDeleteMungkin yaa..
sapa seh jul orangnya? *ngegoziph mode on*
ReplyDeleteMau tau, Ge ? Ntar ya, gue ym elo ajah, huahahahahaaaaaa :))
ReplyDeletehmm..apa mungkin tuh orang model yg ga percayaan gt ya jul?
ReplyDeletemaksudnya, menurut dia tuh temenan harus ada timbal baliknya.jd dia pikir, orang2 tuh cuma mo temenan ama dia krn ada maunya.gitu bukan ya?hehe..sotoy mode : ON ^^
Iya loe nit, sotoy (hmmmm, jadi pengen siomay, lho ??)